Connor Simpson

Remark 1. On the job market in Fall 2024 (CV).

Remark 2. Contact via email: connorgs<you-know-what-symbol><this-domain>

Theorems. Matroids, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, commutative algebra.


Polymatroid Schubert varieties. By Colin Crowley, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang. Preprint (2024). arXiv: 2410.10552.


Total positivity for matroid Schubert varieties. By Xuhua He, Connor Simpson, and Kaitao Xie. Submitted (2023). arXiv: 2310.18925.


A new generic vanishing theorem on homogeneous varieties and the positivity conjecture for triple intersections of Schubert cells. By Jörg Schürmann, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang. Compos. Math. (to appear) (2023). arXiv: 2303.13833.


The Bergman fan of a polymatroid. By Colin Crowley, June Huh, Matt Larson, Connor Simpson, and Botong Wang. Submitted (2022). arXiv: 2207.08764.


Simplicial generation of Chow rings of matroids. By Spencer Backman, Christopher Eur, and Connor Simpson. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 26.11 (2024), pp. 4491–4535. arXiv: 1905.07114.


Chow rings of vector space matroids. By Thomas Hameister, Sujit Rao, and Connor Simpson. J. Comb. 12.1 (2021). arXiv: 1802.04241.


Flow polytopes of partitions. By Karola Mészáros, Connor Simpson, and Zoe Wellner. Electron. J. Combin. 26.1 (2019). arXiv: 1707.03100.


The set splittability problem. By Peter Bernstein, Cashous Bortner, Sam Coskey, Shuni Li, and Connor Simpson. Australas. J. Combin. 75.2 (2019), pp. 190–209. arXiv: 1611.01542.

Remark 3. The author apologizes for the present site's dullness; improvements will come someday. Readers are meanwhile referred to the embalmed remains of a website past.

Last update. October 14, 2024